25th Anniversary of MPI-INF



The scientific colloquium was the central part of our celebration. 12 speakers, among them several Turing Award Winners, presented pioneering scientific results.

24 September 2015

Leslie Valiant
Harvard University

How Nature Exploits Big Data: Learning and Evolution

Leif Kobbelt
RWTH Aachen

From Quad Meshes to Quad Layouts – Advances in the Optimization of 3D Models

Tony de Rose
Pixar Animation Studios

How Mathematics has Changed Hollywood

25 September 2015

Andrew Blake
Microsoft Research

Machines that learn to see

Wolfgang Heidrich

Computational Imaging and Display – Hardware-Software Co-design for Imaging Devices

Fabian Suchanek
Télécom ParisTech

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Ontologies

Friedrich Eisenbrand

Diameter of Polyhedra and Linear Programming

Leslie Lamport
Microsoft Research

A Mathematical View of Computing Systems

Tom Mitchell
Carnegie Mellon University

How to Raise a Computer: Never-Ending Machine Learning
Niko Beerenwinkel
ETH Zürich

Modeling Cancer Evolution from Genomic Data

Susanne Albers
Technische Universität München

Modeling Real-World Data Sets

Robert E. Tarjan
Princeton University

Data Structures and Graph Algorithms


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