1990 |
Max Planck Society strengthens the Computer Sciences by founding of the Max Planck Institute for Informatics, the first institute of the Max Planck Society entirely devoted to computer sciences. Founding directors are Kurt Mehlhorn and Harald Ganzinger, heading the first two departments “Algorithms and Complexity” and “Programming Logics” respectively. |
1996 |
Move into the new building |
1999 |
Hans-Peter Seidel is appointed Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society; he joines MPI-INF as director heading the third department “Computer Graphics”. |
2000 |
Founding of the International Max Planck School for Computer Science; This collaboration between MPI-INF and Saarland University is devoted to the support of young scientists. |
2001 |
Thomas Lengauer is appointed Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society; he joines MPI-INF as director heading the fourth department “Bioinformatics”. |
2003 |
Gerhard Weikum is appointed Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society; he joines MPI-INF as director heading the fifth department “Databases and Information Systems”. |
2004 |
Our sister institute, the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems is founded with sites in Kaiserslautern and Saarbrücken. |
2007 |
As part of the German Universities Excellence Initiative, Saarbrücken wins the Cluster of Excellence “Multimodal Computing and Communication”. MPI-INF is one of the core partners. |
2010 |
Bernt Schiele is appointed Scientific Member of the Max Planck Society; he joines MPI-INF as director heading the fifth department “Computer Vision and Multimodal Computing”. |
2012 |
Renewal of the Cluster of Excellence “Multimodal Computing and Communication”. |
2015 |
25th anniversary |